Vineyard Photos: Two Vintners

13 Vineyards, 13 Farmers, 1 Winery, LOTS OF GRAPES.

  • It was important that we capture a lot of the relationships that occur between wine-makers, farmers, and their teams.

  • Washington Wine-maker Morgan travels back and forth from Woodinville to Walla Walla frequently to make sure that grapes are being grown to standards and to choose the perfect time to harvest.

  • We also wanted to make sure we provide enough variety in assets for Two Vintners to take advantage of throughout their website and to have enough marketing materials.

Tasting grapes and pulling samples are what frequent trips to vineyards consist of in order to know the perfect time for harvest.

How do wine-makers get grapes in certain vineyards? Through making a ton of friends. We captured a lot of interactions with farmers.

Some of the Vineyards, like the one featured here, are world famous. This is one of the only rock grown vineyards in the world. Therefore, it was essential that we capture it for Two Vintners to showcase that some of their wine comes from such a distinguished Vineyard.

For Wineries, showing the process that it takes to get wine from the vineyards to the bottles is essential in developing brand image and credibility. When people see hundreds of crates and the blood, sweat, and tears that go into the process, they associate more value with the product.